The greatest
challenges are the
ones you can’t see.

Regardless of which branch you served in, the generation you're from, how many tours you did, or the combat you saw, many veterans deal with health problems, trauma, feeling out of place, and not connecting. Too often, many of them suffer in silence without anyone noticing.

At Clear Path, we're right there with you. Many of us are veterans, too, so we get it. We know the unique challenges after serving, and our programs are here to help.

The Issues

Veterans may struggle with any combination of issues.


» Disconnection

After military service, veterans often face a stark transition. They leave behind a structured environment and military buddies, making them feel disconnected and out of place.


» Identity Crisis

In the military, veterans had a clear role and purpose, but once they're out, they can struggle to figure out who they are.


» relevance

Transferring military skills to civilian careers can be confusing, as veterans sometimes struggle to convey their relevance to potential employers.


» Health Issues

Changes in both physical and emotional aspects can take a significant toll on their well-being.


» Trauma

Many veterans carry heavy baggage of post-traumatic stress (PTS), military sexual trauma (MST), moral injuries, and deep emotional scars.


» Depression

Being away from their loved ones, going through the stress and trauma of combat, and seeing their buddies in harm's way can put veterans at risk for dealing with depression.


» Substance Use

Substance misuse, including drugs and alcohol, can lead to all kinds of trouble in their health, personal lives, and jobs.


» Homelessness

On any given night, there are over 37,000 veterans who don't have a place to call home. PTS, loneliness, joblessness, and substance misuse are some reasons.

Reference: US Veterans Affairs

» Suicide

The suicide rate among veterans is 1.5 times higher than folks who didn't serve in the military. This is a major issue across all military branches from all eras.

Reference: US Veterans Affairs

Mental health is a journey.

Veterans deal with daily internal and external battles that throw different challenges, affecting their mental well-being. This can range from feeling on top of the world one day to facing moments of intense agony the next.

In Crisis

When someone's in crisis mode, they need help ASAP. The emotional turmoil can get so heavy that it might lead to thoughts of not wanting to go on.


Survival mode comes with a bunch of negative thoughts. Your appetite and sleep can go haywire, and concentrating becomes a real challenge.


During those thriving moments, you feel calm and content, even if life throws curveballs your way. You've got a good handle on things.


At the top of the mental well-being ladder, you're excelling. That means you're at your peak and performing at your absolute best.

If you or someone you know is in crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts, call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 9-8-8.

No matter where you find yourself on the mental health spectrum, Clear Path is here to help veterans and their families heal and improve their state of mind.

Contact Us

We’re here for the good days, bad days, and everything in between.