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The Holidays & Your Health

6:00 PM

Join Us for an Empowering Wellness Workshop!

We’re thrilled to welcome back clinical nutritionist Sarah Karaman for an inspiring virtual wellness lecture just in time for the holiday season!

The Holidays and Your Health:
How to navigate the season and maintain your peace.

In this uplifting and practical workshop, Sarah will dive into the big questions we often face around the holidays—self-worth, body image, and how to approach our food-focused celebrations with joy instead of stress. Winter can be a season of self-care and renewal, but with so many food-centered events, it can also feel overwhelming for those navigating body image issues or restrictive diets.

Sarah will guide you through these often difficult but essential conversations, helping you embrace the holiday season with more confidence, joy, and peace. Let’s make this winter a time to prioritize your well-being—mind and body!

Don’t miss this chance to reset your mindset and enter the holidays with a fresh perspective!

For more information or to register, call our front desk at (315) 687-3300.


For more information

(315) 687-3300welcome@clearpathforvets.com